Formerly: UGC-Human Resource Development Centre

(UGC-Malviya Mission Teacher Training Centre)
Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand

What is New?

Tentative Program Schedule for Faculty Induction Programme / Refresher Course/STC Academic Session 2023-2024 (Subject to UGC Approval)


All the programmes mentioned below will be conducted by adhering to the Guidelines of UGC for MMTTCs. The online/residential mode of conduct of programmes will be as per UGC directives and any change will be intimated shortly.


  • Call for papers for the Summer-Autumn 2024 edition of QUEST The Journal of UGC-MMTTC, Nainital. blue and white new W
  • New program dates for Academic Session 2024-2025 are announced. blue and white new W
  • Join NEP Orientation Programme at UGC-MMTTC, Nainital blue and white new W

Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding between Kumaun University, and various institutions for training and conducting professional certification courses.

What is new?

About HRDC Nainital

The UGC-Malviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC), Nainital is located in a heritage site, the Hermitage, in quiet seclusion amidst lush natural surroundings in the lake city of Nainital. The UGC-HRDC, shares the vision of making quality the defining element of higher education in India. Only HRDC in the state of Uttarakhand.

Program Schedule for Faculty Induction Programme / Refresher Course/STC for Academic Session 2024-2025

All the programmes mentioned below will be conducted by adhering to the updated Guidelines of UGC for and white new W

The programs will be conducted online/residential in accordance with the guidelines provided by the UGC. blue and white new W

Faculty Induction Programme 23 
Date: 06 June-04 July 2024 blue and white new W
Mode: Online

Faculty Induction Programme 24 blue and white new W
Date: 13 Nov-12 Dec 2024
Mode: Residential

All the programmes mentioned below will be conducted by adhering to the updated Guidelines of UGC for MMTTCs.

The programs will be conducted online/residential in accordance with the guidelines provided by the UGC. blue and white new W

Refresher Course in Chemistry 
Date: 18 September-01 October 2024
Mode: Residential

Refresher Course in History  (Online)
Date: 13-27 December 2024
Mode: Online
Theme: Recent Trends in History

Refresher Course in Political Science (Residential)
Date: 16-30 December 2024
Mode: Residential
Theme: Current Trends in Political Science: Theory/Research/Practice

All the programmes mentioned below will be conducted by adhering to the updated Guidelines of UGC for MMTTCs.

The programs will be conducted online/residential in accordance with the guidelines provided by the UGC. blue and white new W

Refresher Course in Research Writing and Academic Integrity  (Online)
Date: 18 February-04 March 2025
Mode: Online

Refresher Course in Contemporary Trends in Bio-Sciences (Online)
Date: 25 February-10 March 2025
Mode: Online


All the programmes mentioned below will be conducted by adhering to the updated Guidelines of UGC for MMTTCs. 

The programs will be conducted online/residential mode in accordance with the guidelines provided by the UGC. blue and white new W

Short Term Programme in ICT (Online)
Date: 24 May-30 May 2024
Mode: Online

Short Term Programme in Research Methodology in Social Sciences (Online)
Date: 23-29 July 2024
Mode: Online

Short Term Programme in Disaster Management (Residential)
Date: 03 October-09 October 2024 
Mode: Residential

Short Term Programme in Yoga and Wellness (Residential)
Date: 18 October-24 October 2024 
Mode: Residential

Short Term Programme in Gender Studies and Sensitization (Online)
Date: 03 January-09 January 2025 
Mode: Online

I proudly saying that this refresher course is well organized course. I have already attended three courses. But this course is very special to me. A wide range of topics was selected. Many experts from all over India. From very young scientist to senior professors in Geology. UGC – HRDC, Kumaun University also invited experts from Geography and allied subjects too. Topic selection is excellent. The key speakers and experts covered from basic concept, Fundamentals and advanced topics also covered. I really wondered about the many topics related to Himalayan Geology. Remote sensing topics and Geophysics and Geochemistry, Geomorpholoy are also very interesting. DST expert came and gave a very good interaction session related to various funding for research. I personally feel that the last 14 days are very much useful. I got more knowledge and I am forcing to learn more and more to teach well in e upcoming days.

Dr.V.Stephen Pitchaimani (RC Earth Sciences)

Assistant Professor, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu

UGC-HRDC, Nainital has launched MOOCs on Moodle platform!

This is a Moodle based online learning environment of digital resources for the participants.

"Since the knowledge explosion worldwide has become phenomenal, it has become necessary to cope with the large volume of knowledge being generated, new concepts, and the methodology and technique of generating and imparting knowledge. The UGC-HRDC Nainital, Kumaun University aims to provide an opportunity for the teachers to update their knowledge in the subject, and technology and acquire new methods of curricular transactions in every field of the earth sciences. The refresher course organized by the UGC-HRDC Nainital, Kumaun University has great impact on participants learning. The course enhanced/boosted participants content knowledge, strengthen their pedagogical skills, and their confidence in teaching their subject matters, and foster a positive attitude towards teaching and student learning. Overall, I thought the course was comprehensive and very helpful. I was able to review the basic concepts of the earth sciences as well as learn more advanced ones. Additionally, the resource persons were very concise and well-prepared in their delivery. I also think that the course was well-organized in terms of content by the UGC-HRDC Nainital, Kumaun University of Uttarakhand."

Dr Ishtiaq Ahmad (RC Earth Sciences)

Assistant Professor, Cluster University, Shrinagar, Jammu and Kashmir