QUEST- The Journal of UGC-HRDC Nainital

QUEST was launched to give concrete shape to the vision of the HRDC to involve itself in the pursuit of excellence in higher education. The journal provides an open forum for the publication of quality research work in Hindi and English. QUEST is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal that is published both in English and Hindi. The journal is online at
We invite research papers, review articles, and book reviews for QUEST.
All manuscripts must be submitted to:
The Editor, QUEST
UGC-HRDC, Nainital
The Hermitage, Kumaun University, Nainital, 263001
Uttarakhand (India)
Email (For English): quest.nainital@
Email (For Hindi):
Author's Guidelines to Submit Manuscript
(a) The manuscripts should normally not exceed 6000 words including References and Footnotes.
(b) Font for English: Times New Roman, Size 11, Double Line space
(c) The cover page of the article should contain: (i) Title of the article (in bold) (ii) Name(s) of authors (iii) Professional affiliation (iv) Address of correspondence and Email. Kindly note the authors name should not be mentioned in any other page.
(d) The main body of the manuscript should start with (i) title of the article (Time New Romans 16, in bold) (ii) an abstract of the paper in about 150-200 words (Times Roman 12-point type, single spacing, in italics) that clearly includes the problem and its significance, design/methodology/approach, major findings, conclusion (iii) 3-5 keywords should be provided which encapsulate the principal themes of the paper.
(e) Research Papers must be adequately structured. They must include introduction, including brief review of related literature, methods, findings/results, discussion of results and a conclusion.
(f) All Figures (charts, diagrams and line drawings) and Plates (photographic images) should be submitted in electronic form. They should be of clear quality, in black and white and numbered consecutively.
(g) Tables and diagrams should be numbered consecutively and included in the text. Source must be mentioned below the table. They should not be submitted as graphic elements.
(h) Please check your manuscript for clarity, grammar, spellings, punctuation, and consistency of references to minimize editorial changes.
(i) Authors must follow the APA Style of referencing (APA style 7th Edition). For information on this style please refer to the following online resource.
Editorial Procedure
The Editors reserve the right to reject/ return to the author(s) any manuscript that in their opinion is not suitable for publication in QUEST, without expressly stipulating the reasons for doing so. Under no circumstances will the identity of the reviewer(s) and referee(s) be disclosed to the author(s) or to any other third party not involved in the editorial process.
Review process
Each submission to QUEST is subject to following review process:
· First, it is reviewed by the editors for general suitability for publication.
· If it is considered suitable, two expert peer reviewers are selected and a double blind review takes place.
· Based on the recommendations of the reviewers a decision is taken as to whether the article is accepted as it is/returned for revision/rejected.
· Correspondence and proofs for correction will be sent to the first author unless otherwise specified. The article will be published after receipt of the corrected proofs from the authors if and when it found that they have been revised as desired by referees.
All copyrights are with QUEST. The authors are accountable for copyright permission for any part of the content of their articles. The views expressed in the articles of this journal are those of authors and do not reflect the opinion of the Institute. The authors are required to sign the Copy Right Form” before article is published in the journal.
Submission Instructions
· QUEST is an inter-disciplinary journal of the social sciences and invites original submissions from across the social sciences in English.
· Manuscripts in both Pdf and MS Word format should be submitted to
· If your submission is found suitable for review after initial screening you will be informed
· You may write to us at regarding any queries at
Seminars & Conferences
14th and 15th of July, 2012
Workshop on Issues surrounding IPR in Uttarakhand
27 July, 2012
Workshop on Sustainable Development & Natural Resource Management
12-18 October, 2012
Interactive Workshop for Ph.D. Students
01 December, 2012
Workshop Issues Concerning Copyright
1st and 2nd March 2013
Workshop on Gender Equity: Identifying issues and a blueprint for action in Uttarakhand
5th to 7th of November, 2007
National Seminar on The Right to Information Act, 2005:Problems and solutions
in Collaboration with Uttarakhand Academy of Administration, Nainital
28th June, 2008
National Seminar on Community Policing
in Collaboration with Police Department, Uttarakhand
26th and 27th April, 2008
National Seminar on Gandhi: The Man and His Vision
in Collaboration with Gandhian Studies Centre, Kumaun University, Nainital
10th and 11th of October , 2008
National Seminar on Natural Resource Conservation In Uttarakhand
along with 6th Orientation Programme
4th August, 2009
National Seminar on Hind Swaraj : 100 years of Gandhian Vision
along with Refresher Course in Value Education
26th and 27th of September 2009
National Seminar on “Response of Eco-Biological Components to the Phenomenon of Global Warming (NSREG – 2009)
along with Refresher Course in Biological Sciences (Multi Disciplinary)
17th and 18th of September 2010
National Seminar on Research Methods in Forestry and Climate Change
along with Refresher Course in Environmental Sciences (Multi disciplinary)
20th, 21st & 22nd October, 2010
National Seminar on Environment, Development and Society
along with Refresher Course in Hindi
20th & 22nd of November, 2010
National Seminar on Interface Between Statistics, Mathematics and Allied Sciences
along with Statistics and Mathematics (I.D.)
16th of July, 2011
National Seminar on Ecology & Culture in Uttarakhand
along with Bio & Life Sciences (ID)
14th of August, 2011
National Seminar on Democracy in India: Problems & Prospects
along with Research Methodology in Social Science & Humanities (ID) and Political Science, Public Administration & Military Science (MD)
25th of June, 2014
National Seminar Economics, Politics and Civil Society
along with Refresher Course in Commerce and Management (ID) 21 June to 11 July, 2014
21-22 March 2013
International Conference on Gender Equity: Issues of Theory, Practice and Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region
25 April, 2013
Conference on The Scientific Outlook
20-21 March, 2015
Conference on Science and Religion
22 March, 2015
Conference on Next Generation Libraries: Issues and Challenges